
Research Dean's Corner

The Albany Law School Research Dean's Corner is a special periodic faculty-to-faculty discussion show hosted by Associate Dean of Research and Scholarship and Professor of Law Keith Hirokawa about current legal research and current events.




    More about Dean Hirokawa - https://www.albanylaw.edu/faculty/faculty-directory/keith-hirokawa

    More about Prof. Brescia - https://www.albanylaw.edu/faculty/faculty-directory/raymond-brescia

    Prof. Brescia's Recent Books The Future of Change: How Technology Shapes Social Revolutions - https://www.cornellpress.cornell.edu/book/9781501748110/the-future-of-c… Crisis Lawyering:

    Effective Legal Advocacy in Emergency Situations - https://nyupress.org/9781479801701/crisis-lawyering/

    Artificial Intelligence and Policy

    Artificial Intelligence and Racial Bias

    Facial Recognition and Fairness

    COVID-19 Pandemic and The Law

    Climate Change and The Law