
Faculty Spotlight

Professor Farnia Selected for International Award

Professor Nina Farnia

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Albany Law School Professor Nina Farnia was recently announced as the co-winner of the 2023 Julien Mezey Dissertation Award for her dissertation, "Imperialism in the Making of US Law, 1940-2008," which examines imperialism as a lens through which to study legal history.  The dissertation will serve as the basis for her forthcoming book, The Imperialist State.

The Association for the Study of Law, Culture, and the Humanities is an organization of scholars engaged in interdisciplinary, humanistically oriented legal scholarship.

Farnia said she is honored to be selected for the internationally renowned award. She has spoken on her dissertation topic and others related to it in many scholarly publications and worldwide news outlets.

The Association awards the annual prize to the dissertation that most promises to enrich and advance interdisciplinary scholarship at the intersection of law, culture and the humanities.

Farnia joins previous winners coming from Ivy League universities such as Yale, Princeton, Harvard, Columbia, and Brown.

The Association seeks the submission of outstanding work from a wide variety of perspectives, including but not limited to law and cultural studies, law and critical race studies, law and gender and sexuality, legal theory and environmentalism, law and literature, law and psychoanalysis, law and visual studies, legal history, legal theory and jurisprudence.

Nina Farnia