Student Journals
Albany Law Review
Founded more than 70 years ago, the Albany Law Review publishes critical and analytical articles written by judges, lawyers, law school professors, as well as notes and comments on legal topics written by Law Review members and other Albany Law School students. After completion of first-year coursework, students are invited to join Law Review based on either academic standing or performance in an annual writing competition open to students who earn a grade point average specified by the faculty. Membership on Law Review offers students an exceptional opportunity to develop and refine skills in legal research, analysis and writing. To contact Albany Law Review, email
Visit: Albany Law Review
Albany Law Journal of Science and Technology
Begun in 1990, the Journal is a student-managed publication dedicated to the development of the law as it relates to the sciences and the increasing effect of technology upon society. Articles chosen for publication are on the "cutting edge" of issues in today's legal and scientific communities. Membership is offered to students based not only on performance in a writing competition, but also to those who rank in the top of their class upon completion of their first year. The editorial board participates in workshops and edits submissions while all members write notes and comments, helping to refine their skills in legal writing, research and group dynamics. To contact the Journal, call 518-445-5855 or email
Visit: Albany Law Journal of Science and Technology
Albany Government Law Review
The Albany Government Law Review is a student-edited law review, publishing articles on a variety of issues relating to legal aspects of government and public policy. Its strong connection to the school's nationally recognized Government Law Center and our location in the state capital provides the unique opportunity to publish critical and analytical articles written by leading scholars and academics on significant government topics. In addition to serving as an academic forum for legal scholarship, the Albany Government Law Review is designed to be an effective research tool for practicing lawyers and students. To contact the Government Law Review, email
Visit: Albany Government Law Review