Spring 2025 Examination Schedule
All Required Exams given on the day will utilize Examsoft.
Bold indicates First Year Exam
Friday, May 2
- 9:00 am Constitutional Law (Bonventre, Dodds, Redwood)
- 1:30 pm New Practice II (Connors, P.)
Intro to Taxation (Boll)
Legal Profession (Haynes) - 7:00 pm Constitutional Law - FLEX (Clark)
Monday, May 5
- 9:00 am Business Organizations (Reyhan)
- 1:30 pm Matrimonial Law (Tippins)
Prof Respon Seminar (Connors, P.)
Tuesday, May 6
- 9:00 am Criminal Law (Alcala Laboy, Bonventre, Mayer, Wetmore)
- 1:30 pm Advanced Torts (Heverly)
LGBTQ+ Rights (Ayers)
Wednesday, May 7
- 9:00 am Family Law (Breger)
- 1:30 pm Bankruptcy (Spivack)
Thursday, May 8
- 9:00 am ALA2 (Bollana)
- 1:30 pm Evidence (Breger)
Friday, May 9
- 9:00 am Property (Hirokawa, Reyhan, Rosenbloom)
- 1:30 pm Commercial Law Survey (Reyhan)
Monday, May 12
- 9:00 am Conflict of Laws (Hutter)
Copyrights Law (Heverly)
Trusts & Estates (Spivack)
Tuesday, May 13
- 9:00 am Civil Rights Liability Lit (Stewart)
Surrogates (Morgan)
Trademark Law (Minor) - 1:30 pm Crim Pro: Invest (Alcala Laboy)
Wednesday, May 14
- 9:00 am Contracts II (Martin, Seita)
Federal Civil Procedure (Mayer) - 1:30 pm Real Estate Transactions (White-Lake)
- 7:00 pm Contracts II - FLEX (Martin)
Take Home Exams: Available 9:00 am 5/2 and due by 11:59 pm 5/14 *unless otherwise instructed by faculty.
Antitrust: Trade Practices - Seita Patents & Trade Secrets - Kannan
Criminal Procedure: Adj - Sprotbery Public International Law - Rameau
Federal Jurisdiction/Practice - Hutter Securities Regulation - Li
Immigration Law - Ayers Trusts & Estates - Pratt
Rules Regarding Exam Postponements
(N/A - Take Home Exams)
Students may submit an “Exam Conflict Resolution Request Form” (Registrar’s Portal Page/Policies, Forms and Information) to postpone an exam if they have: Two exams on the same day OR An exam at 1:30pm and then 9:00am the next day or Three or more exams scheduled on three consecutive days
Postponed exams are rescheduled to the earliest day.