
Faculty Recognition

​Professor Jenean Taranto received Albany Law School's Excellence in Teaching Award on May 24, 2019.

Professor Michael Hutter received the President's Award from the Schenectady County Bar Association on May 16, 2019.​

Professor Melissa Breger presented "Making the Invisible Visible: Implicit Bias in Law and Society" at the firm Carter Conboy in Albany on May 15, 2019.​

​ Professor Melissa Breger 's co-authored treatise, NEW YORK LAW OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE, was cited by the Supreme Court of the Virgin Islands in the decision Gayanich v. Gayanich .

Professor Ray Brescia was named a 2019 academic fellow of the Pound Civil Justice Institute, a national legal think tank that works to ensure access to justice for citizens and provide a balanced view of the issues affecting the U.S. civil justice system.​

Professor Donna Young was named a joint faculty member at the University at Albany's Department of Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies.​

Professor Sarah Rogerson received the Immigrant Excellence Award at the New York State Association of Black and Puerto Rican Legislators' annual legislative conference in Albany on February 17, 2019.​

​Professor Vincent Bonventre 's co-edited book LIVING ON DEATH ROW: THE PSYCHOLOGY OF WAITING TO DIE received the Association of American Publishers 2019 PROSE Award, recognizing scholarly and professional excellence, in the category of Psychology.

​Associate Dean Connie Mayer was appointed to the New York Court of Appeals Advisory Committee on Skills and Values in January 2019.

​Professor Christian Sundquist was elected Chair-Elect of the Evidence Section, Chair-Elect of the Minority Groups Section, and an Executive Board member of the Associate Deans Section at the Association of American Law Schools Annual Meeting in January 2019.

​Professor Peter Halewood was named incoming Chair of the AALS Section on International Human Rights at the Association of American Law Schools Annual Meeting in New Orleans, January 2-6, 2019.

President & Dean Alicia Ouellette was elected Chair-Elect of the Association of American Law Schools Section on Law School Deans. She will serve as the section's Chair starting in 2020.

Professor Mary A. Lynch 's blog, Best Practices for Legal Education , was named to the ABA Journal's Blawg Hall of Fame , Class of 2018. Best Practices had previously appeared several times on the ABA Journal Blawg 100, an annual list of the top blogs for a legal audience.​

Professor Sarah Rogerson received the AILA Upstate NY Chapter 2018 Pro Bono Champion Award at the 2018 Northern Border U.S.-Canada Immigration Law Conference in Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario, Canada, on October 19, 2018.​

​ Professor Melissa Breger 's treatise NEW YORK LAW OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE was cited in the Supreme Court of the Virgin Islands' opinion in Gayanich v. Gayanich .

​ Professor Robert Heverly was appointed by the president of NYSBA to the Legal Education Committee.

Professor Evelyn Tenenbaum article, "Bartering for a Compatible Kidney Using Your Incompatible Live Kidney Donor," was cited in Clanton v. U.S., 2018 U.S.Dist.LEXIS126047, by the United States District Court for the Southern District of Illinois.​

Professor Michael Hutter has been appointed by the president of the New York State Bar Association to the State Bar's Committee on Communications and Publications​.

Professor Ira Mark Bloom , Justice David Josiah Brewer Distinguished Professor of Law, has become a life member of the American Law Institute.​

Professor Sarah Rogerson was appointed Co-Chair of the New York State Bar Association’s Committee on Immigration Representation.

Professor Melissa Breger received the Faculty Award for Excellence in Service ​ at Albany Law School's 167th Commencement on May 18, 2018.

Professor Patrick Connors received the Faculty Award for Excellence in Teaching at Albany Law School's 167th Commencement on May 18, 2018.​

​Professor Evelyn Tenenbaum received the Faculty Award for Excellence in Scholarship at Albany Law School's 167th Commencement on May 18, 2018.​​

​ President & Dean Alicia Ouellette 's co-authored paper, "U.S. Medical Schools' Compliance With the Americans With Disabilities Act: Findings From a National Study," received the 2018 Best Research Paper Award at the Society of Teachers of Family Medicine's Annual Spring Conference on May 7, 2018.

​ Professor Patrick Connors ' scholarship was cited in the New York Court of Appeals' April 3, 2018 decision in the case of Rodriguez v. City of New York .

Professor Patrick Connors ' scholarship continues to be cited in numerous reported decisions, with over 20 such citations from the New York and federal courts in 2017-18, including the New York Court of Appeals and Appellate Division. ​

Professor Edward W. De Barbieri was named an affiliated faculty member at the University at Albany's Institute of Nonprofit Leadership and Community Development in January 2018.

Associate Dean Rosemary Queenan was selected to serve as the 2018-2019 Chair of the Association of American Law Schools Section on Student Services.

​Professor Christian Sundquist was elected to a three-year term with the Executive Board for the Association of American Law Schools' Evidence Section at the AALS Annual Meeting in January 2018. He will serve as Secretary for the 2018-19 year.

Professor Peter Halewood was named Chair-Elect of the Association of American Law Schools Section on International Human Rights at the AALS Annual Meeting in San Diego, January 3-6, 2018.

​Professor Evelyn Tenenbaum presented, "Reassessing Consent to Intimate Sexual Relations Among Nursing Home Residents with Dementia," at the ASBH (American Society for Bioethics and Humanities) Conference (held virtually) on October 15-18, 2020.

​Professor Melissa Breger was appointed to the New York State Bar Association's Committee on Children & the Law.

​Professor Edward W. De Barbieri was appointed Secretary of Association of American Law Schools Section on Community Economic Development, and member of Executive Committee of Association of American Law Schools Section on Real Estate Transactions.

​Professor Rob Heverly served as reporter on the Uniform Law Commission's Tort Law Relating to Drones Act.

​Professor Michael Hutter presented lectures on evidence and NY practice related topics to Academy of Trial Lawyers, Office of the NY Attorney General, Defense Research Institute, Albany County and Dutchess County Bar Associations.

​Professor Michael Hutter lectured at the NYS Judicial Institute Annual Program for Newly Elected State Court Judges, Annual Summer Sessions and Lunch and Learn Programs on evidence related topics.

​Professor Michael Hutter authored an amicus curiae brief in Hewitt v. Palmer Vet. Clinic, an appeal in the NY Court of Appeals, arguing that the Court should modify NY common law and allow a person attacked by a dog while on commercial premises to sue the premises owner for negligence.

​Dean Rosemary Queenan served as chair of the Law Education Working Group of New York State Bar Association Attorney Well-Being Task Force.

​Professor Evelyn Tenenbaum presented "Facilitating Greater Use of Split Liver Transplants," at the World Congress of Bioethics Conference in Philadelphia on June 19-21, 2020.

​Professor Evelyn Tenenbaum presented, 'Assessing Consent to Intimate Sexual Relations Among Nursing Home Residents with Dementia," at the World Congress of Bioethics Conference (held virtually) on June 19-21, 2020.

Professor Patrick Connors is serving on the Task Force on the New York Bar Examination.​

Professor Melissa Breger has been selected as this year's co-recipient of the New York State Bar Association Committee on Children and the Law's Howard A. Levine Award for Excellence in Juvenile Justice and Child Welfare.​

​Professor Melissa Breger chaired a scholarship panel (virtually) at the Law and Society Association meeting in May 2020 on State Power & the Lives of Children.

​Professor Patrick Connors served on the New York State Bar Association's Task Force on the New York Bar Examination and participation in authorship of March 5, 2020 Report of the NYSBA Task Force on the New York Bar Examination and March 30 Report recommending postponement of New York's July bar exam and providing alternative suggestions.

President and Dean Alicia Ouellette is serving as chair of the Association of American Law Schools' Section on Law School Deans. ​

Professor Vincent Bonventre is a judge for the MENSA national scholarship program. ​

Professor Sarah Rogerson was invited to co-lead two amicus briefs on behalf of legal scholars—arguments rooted in her previous scholarship on immigration enforcement in state courthouses: New York v. ICE, No. 19 Civ. 8876 (SDNY) and Doe v. ICE, No. 19 Civ. 8892 (SDNY).​

Professor David Walker contributed to the American Association of Law Libraries Spectrum magazine's "Ask a Director" column,published in the January/February 2020 issue. ​

​Professor Rob Heverly served as speaker and presented "Cyborg Lives: The Law and Policy of Human Augmentation," Presenter, Heinrich Heine University, Düsseldorf, Germany (Law Faculty), January 7, 2020.

Professor Patrick Connors' treatise, SIEGEL & CONNORS, NEW YORK PRACTICE (6th ed. 2018 Thomson) was cited seven times in the three opinions in Williams v. Beemiller, 33 N.Y.3d 523 (2019). In Williams, an Ohio firearm merchant sold a gun to an Ohio resident in Ohio, which was then resold on the black market and used by a gang member to shoot the plaintiff in Buffalo. The Court held that the plaintiff could not obtain long-arm jurisdiction over the Ohio firearm merchant in New York State court.​