Faculty Publications
Reversal by Recusal? Comer v. Murphy Oil U.S.A., Inc. and the Need for Mandatory Judicial Recusal Statements, 13 U. N.H. L. Rev. 177 (2015).
The History, Uses and Abuses of Title IX, American Association of University Professors (co-author) (2016)
Patrick M. Connors
"No License Required: Temporary Practice in New York State," New York Law Journal (March 10, 2016)
Raymond H. Brescia
Regulating the Sharing Economy: New and Old Insights into an Oversight Regime for the Peer-to-Peer Econom y, 95 Nebraska Law Review 87 (2016)
Patrick M. Connors
"Will New Bar Exam Prepare Attorneys for Practice?" New York Law Journal (Feb. 26, 2016)
Patrick M. Connors
2016 Supplement to Siegel’s New York Practice (5th Ed.; West Academic Publishing)
Raymond H. Brescia
Introduction (with John Travis Marshall), chapter in in HOW CITIES WILL SAVE THE WORLD: URBAN INNOVATION IN THE FACE OF POPULATION FLOWS, CLIMATE CHANGE, AND ECONOMIC INEQUALITY (Ray Brescia and John Travis Marshall, eds., Routledge, 2016)
Raymond H. Brescia
Cities and the Financial Crisi s, chapter in in HOW CITIES WILL SAVE THE WORLD: URBAN INNOVATION IN THE FACE OF POPULATION FLOWS, CLIMATE CHANGE, AND ECONOMIC INEQUALITY (Ray Brescia and John Travis Marshall, eds., Routledge, 2016)
Raymond H. Brescia
Think Global, Pay Local , chapter in HOW CITIES WILL SAVE THE WORLD: URBAN INNOVATION IN THE FACE OF POPULATION FLOWS, CLIMATE CHANGE, AND ECONOMIC INEQUALITY (Ray Brescia and John Travis Marshall, eds., Routledge, 2016)
From the Editor: Race on Campus, 102 Academe (AAUP, 2016)
Anthony Farley
Austerity and Academic Freedom, ACADEME November-December 2016 (Volume 102, Number 6)
David Pratt
Recent Developments Affecting Qualified and Nonqualified Deferred Compensation, Part II: The New Department of Labor Fiduciary Rule, 36 ABA Tax Times, Nov. 2016, at 28.
Campus Activism and Competing Racial Narratives, 102 Academe (AAUP, 2016)
Michael J. Hutter
Appealability of Evidentiary Rulings Made Before Trial on Motions in Limine, Leaveworthy, Vol. V, No. 3, Fall/Winter 2016 (New York State Bar Association)
Raymond H. Brescia
Uber for Lawyers: The Transformative Potential of a Sharing Economy Approach to the Delivery of Legal Services , 64 Buffalo Law Review 745 (2016)
Alicia Ouellette
Medical Schools’ Willingness to Accommodate Medical Students with Sensory and Physical Disabilities: Ethical Foundations of a Functional Challenge to "Organic”" Technical Standards , Medical Education (October 2016) (with Michael McKee, MD, MPH, Ben Case, Maureen Fausone, Philip Zazove, MD, MM, and Michael D. Fetters, MD, MPH, MA).
Ira Bloom
Commentary and Recommendations to the New York State Legislature on the Sixth Report of the EPTL-SCPA Legislative Advisory Committee (Trusts and Estates Law Section, New York State Bar Association, 2016) (with William P. LaPiana)
Raymond H. Brescia
Safe at Home: Considering a Right to Counsel in Civil Cases as a State Constitutional Matter , in MAKING A MODERN CONSTITUTION: THE PROSPECTS FOR CONSTITUTIONAL REFORM IN NEW YORK (Scott Fein & Rose Mary Bailly, eds., 2016)
Alicia Ouellette
U.S. Medical Schools’ Compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act , Academic Medicine 10 Academic Medicine 1097 (Jan. 2016) (with Zazove, Philip MD; Case, Benjamin BA; Moreland, Christopher MD; Plegue, Melissa A. MA; Hoekstra, Anne MD; Sen, Ananda PhD; Fetters, Michael D. MD, MPH, MA).
Patrick M. Connors
"Turn and Face the Changes: E-filing Among 2015 Amendments to the CPLR," New York Law Journal (Jan. 19, 2016)
Sarah F. Rogerson
"Consider children when designing immigration system" (op-ed) (Albany Times Union, Jan. 7, 2016)
Sarah F. Rogerson
The Politics of Fear: Unaccompanied Immigrant Children and the Case of the Southern Border, 61 Villanova Law Review 843 (2016)
Dale Margolin Cecka
It’s Time for the Fourth Circuit to Rethink Deshaney, 67 S.C. L. Rev. 679 (2016).
Jonathan Rosenbloom
Thinking Ecosystems, Providing Water: The Water Infrastructure Imperative in Contemporary Issues in Climate Change Law and Policy: Essays Inspired by the IPCC (Stephen Miller, Robin Craig eds.) (ELI Press 2016) (with Keith Hirokawa).
Caitlain Devereaux Lewis ’11
Dale Margolin Cecka
Inequity in Private Child Custody Litigation, 20 CUNY L. Rev. 203 (2016) .
Alicia Ouellette
Selection against Disability: Abortion, ART, and Access , 43 J. L. Med. & Ethics 211 (2015).
Patrick M. Connors
Decisions Address Separate Entity Rule and Time Limitation Issues, N.Y.L.J., Aug. 24, 2015, S2 (Lead Article to NYLJ Special Section on Court of Appeals and Appellate Practice).
Anthony Farley
Sarah Palin: The Last Black President, HIP-HOP AND THE CONSTITUTION: KEY WRITINGS THAT FORMED THE MOVEMENT (Bridgewater et al. eds., Carolina Academic Press: 2015)
Sarah F. Rogerson
“Using Hip-Hop’s Lyrical Narrative to Inform and Critique the Family Justice System” in the book "Hip Hop and the Law" (edited by: Pamela Bridgewater, André Douglas Pond Cummings, Donald F. Tibbs), published by Carolina Academic Press (August 2015).
Patrick M. Connors
The King of New York Practice, 78 Albany Law Review 317 (2015)
David Pratt
Telehealthcare and Telemedicine in 2015, 25 Albany Law Journal of Science and Technology 495 (2015)
Post Oppression, 17 Berkeley Journal of African-American Law and Policy 137 (2015)
Post Oppression, 7 Touro Journal of Race, Gender and Ethnicity 1 (2015)
Stephen E. Gottlieb
Human Rights: The Roberts Court’s Hostility to the Equality of Minorities, vol. 41, issue 1, at pages 16-17 Amer. Bar Assn. Section of Individual Rights and Responsibilities) (July 2015)
J. Stephen Clark
But for Sex: Equal Protection and the Individual Opportunity to Marry One’s Chosen Partner Without Regard to Sex, 60 San Diego Law Review 389 (2015).
David Pratt
James Redwood
When the War Ended, 40 Notre Dame Review (June 2015)
Patrick M. Connors
Back to Basics: Careful Pleading Under CPLR Article 30, N.Y.L.J., May 18, 2015, at 4.
Vin M. Bonventre
Introduction to the Ninth Annual Chief Judge Lawrence H. Cooke Symposium, High Courts, Center Seat: Chief Justices at Albany Law School; and "The Lippman Top Ten," 78 Albany Law Review 1347 (2015)
Mary A. Lynch
“Teaching the Newly Essential Knowledge, Skills, and Values in a Changing World: Intercultural Effectiveness” in BUILDING ON BEST PRACTICES: TRANSFORMING LEGAL EDUCATION IN A CHANGING WORLD (LexisNexis, 2015) (with Robin Boyle, Antoinette Sedillo Lopez & Rhonda Magee) (Boyle, Lopez & Magee, eds.)
Mary A. Lynch
The Importance of Experiential Learning for Development of Essential Skills in Cross-Cultural and Intercultural Effectiveness, 1 Touro Journal Of Experiential Learning 129 (2014-15)
Rosemary Queenan
School’s Out for Summer: But Should it Be? , 44 Journal of Law and Education 165 (2015).
"Domains of Policy: Law & Society Perspectives on Anti-Discrimination" in The Wiley Handbook of Law and Society (Austin Sarat and Patty Ewick, eds., Wiley, 2015)
Christine Chung
Municipal Bankruptcy, Essential Municipal Services, and Taxpayers' Voice, 24 Widener Law Journal, 43 (April 2015)
Anthony Farley
Jackals, Tall Ships, and the Endless Forest of Lies: Foreword to Joint Symposium on Voting Rights in the Wake of Shelby County v. Holder, 7 JOURNAL OF RACE, GENDER, AND ETHNICITY 1 (2015), jointly published with 17 BERKELEY JOURNAL OF AFRICAN AMERICAN LAW AND POLICY 1 (2015)
Independent Monitoring as a Tool to Protect, Empower and Integrate Unskilled Guest Workers and to Assist Employers Navigate Complex Guest Worker Requirements
Danshera Cords
The Silent Transition from Capitalism to Equality in Government Offices , 43 Reviews in American History 274 (2015)
Raymond H. Brescia
Embracing Disruption: How Technological Change in the Delivery of Legal Services Can Improve Access to Justice , 78 Albany Law Review 553 (2015) (with Walter McCarthy, Ashley McDonald, Kellan Potts and Cassandra Rivais)
Danshera Cords
Charity Begins at Home? An Exploration of the Systemic Distortions Resulting from Post-Disaster Giving Incentives , 44 Rutgers Law Journal 213 (2014)