Faculty Presentations
July 2020

Professor Ava Ayers was a panelist on “Community Forum: Defunding Police in the Capital Region” sponsored by New York Civil Liberties Union (with Alice Green, Rob Worden, and Frank Wiley) on July 23, 2020.

Professor Ciji Dodds was a panelist on "Systemic Racism in the United States" at the Albany County Bar Association on July 23, 2020.

Professor Mary A. Lynch served on the Planning Committee Member for July 2020, joint AALS/ CLEA Virtual Clinic Conference.
June 2020
Legal Practice and the Law School Experience, University of Connecticut (2020).
Reopening Workplaces During COVID: Rehiring Staff and Mitigating Risk through Health Screenings and Liability Waivers, LawLine (2020).

Professor Ciji Dodds moderated a town hall on "Systemic Racism" at Albany Law School on June 4, 2020.

Professor Evelyn Tenenbaum presented, 'Assessing Consent to Intimate Sexual Relations Among Nursing Home Residents with Dementia," at the World Congress of Bioethics Conference (held virtually) on June 19-21, 2020.

Professor Nancy Maurer participated in the AALS/Clinical Legal Education Association (CLEA) New Clinician Virtual Conference and facilitated discussions with new clinical teachers as part of the four-day virtual conference in June 2020.

Professor Evelyn Tenenbaum presented virtually, Facilitating Greater Use of Split Liver Transplants, at the World Congress of Bioethics Conference in Philadelphia on June 19-21, 2020.

Professor Evelyn Tenenbaum presented "Facilitating Greater Use of Split Liver Transplants," at the World Congress of Bioethics Conference in Philadelphia on June 19-21, 2020.
May 2020

Professor Ava Ayers was a panelist on “Missing Immigrants in the Rhetoric of Sanctuary” at the Law and Society Association Annual Meeting on May 28, 2020.
Rehiring from Layoffs and Furloughs: Who to Bring Back and How? Federal Bar Association (2020).

Professor Melissa Breger's work in progress "Stemming the Tide: Social Norms and Child Sex Trafficking" was accepted to be presented at the Law and Society Association (LSA) meeting in Denver, Colo., in May 2020.

Professor Patrick Connors presented to the Justices of the New York State Court System on August 20, 2020 entitled "Interpreting the COVID-19 Toll and Related Administrative Orders" and a five-part series entitled "Coronavirus and the Courts" discussing changes to procedure during COVID-19 Disaster Emergency, with presentations on March 25 (Parts I and II), April 1 (Part III), April 16 (Part IV), and May 13 (Part V), 2020.

Professor Patrick Connors is serving on the Task Force on the New York Bar Examination.

Professor Melissa Breger chaired a scholarship panel (virtually) at the Law and Society Association meeting in May 2020 on State Power & the Lives of Children.

Professor Melissa Breger has been selected as this year's co-recipient of the New York State Bar Association Committee on Children and the Law's Howard A. Levine Award for Excellence in Juvenile Justice and Child Welfare.

Professor Patrick Connors presented several lectures as part of his series "Coronavirus and the Courts" presented by American LegalNet.
April 2020
Reopening, and Staying Open, During the Pandemic: Creating a COVID Safety Plan, LawLine (2020).

Professor Ava Ayers presented at the virtual CLE and training "Immigration 101" on April 7, 2020.