
Faculty Presentations

January 2003

Keith Hirokawa

Professor Keith Hirokawa presented "Social Construction of Nature and Environmental Protection" at the University of Oregon on March 2003.

May 2000

Legal and Fact Research on the Internet - Power point Presentation (Albany Law School Continuing Legal Education Program).

April 1999

Legal Research on the Internet (Albany Law School Law and Technology Program) (March and April 1999).

December 1998

The Art of Administrative Decision Writing (Albany Law School Government Law Center Public Service Workshop Presentation) (December 1998).

October 1998

Research on the Internet (Albany Law School Government Law Center Public Service Workshop) (October 1997).

October 1997

Administrative Decision Writing (Albany Law School Government Law Center Public Service Workshop) (October 1997).

July 1996

Integrating Elements of Practice Into Traditional Legal Research and Writing Courses (Legal Writing Institute Presentation) (July 1996).

April 1996

Investigative Interviewing (Albany Law School Government Law Center Public Service Workshop Presentation) (April 1996).

Preparing and Submitting Legal Documents (Albany Law School Government Law Center 2-Day Public Service Workshop Presentation) (April 1996).

October 1994

Legal Writing Refresher (Albany Law School Government Law Center Presentation 2-Day Public Service Workshop Presentation) (October 1994).

December 1989

"Overview and Update on the Rights of Probationary Employees", 14 (no. 4) Labor and Employment Law Newsletter (NYSBA) (December 1989)(with Marilyn S. Dymond).