B.A., University of Virginia
J.D., Harvard Law School
Anthony Paul Farley is the Matthews Distinguished Professor of Jurisprudence at Albany Law School. Previously, he was Peter Rodino Distinguished Visiting Professor at Rutgers–Newark, Jefferson Endowed Chair at Texas Southern University's Thurgood Marshall School of Law, Lassiter Distinguished Visiting Professor at the University of Kentucky, Haywood Burns Chair in Civil Rights at CUNY, and tenured associate professor at Boston College Law School. Prior to academia, he was an AUSA in the U.S. Attorney's Office for the District of Columbia and a Corporate Associate with Shearman & Sterling in NYC.
Farley’s recent essays have appeared in Anti-blackness (Jung & Costa Vargas eds., Duke: 2021), Hamilton & the Law (Tucker ed., Cornell: 2020); Bandung Global History and International Law (Eslava et al. eds., Cambridge: 2017); Hip Hop and the Law (Bridgewater et al. eds., Carolina: 2015); After the Storm: Black Intellectuals Explore the Meaning of Hurricane Katrina (Troutt ed., The New Press: 2007), The Washington Post (2018) and elsewhere. He is a member of the American Law Institute and a member of the Board of Governors of the Society of American Law Teachers.
Farley's law review work was cited as the inspiration in the New York Times profile of M. Lamar's avant garde opera, "Funeral Doom Spiritual," on January 12, 2017. Farley will be giving public lecture at the ICA-LA on February 4, 2023.
Public Interest:
Professor Farley has conducted the reading group - Changing Lives Through Literature - composed of people convicted in the Dorchester District Court. The ten-week course culminates with an in-court graduation ceremony and a reception for participants, friends, relatives, and alumni. Participants have included judges, probation officers and other court personnel, alumni, and even prosecutors. The syllabus includes authors from Frederick Douglass to Primo Levi to Dorothy Day. His efforts have been profiled in David Holmstrom, Staying Out of Jail with Books' Help: Massachusetts Lowers Recidivism by Helping Repeat Offenders Discover the Power of Literature, The Christian Science Monitor, May 30, 1995, at 13.
He is a member of the Society of American Law Teachers and previously served as a member of its Board of Governors. He is a member of the Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights and a previously served as a member of its Board of Directors. He is a member of the Board of Directors of the Center for Public Representation. He is also a member of the American Philosophical Association.
Visits and Appointments:
He has also been Visiting Professor at the Northeastern University School of Law in Boston, the Lacanian School of Psychoanalysis in Berkeley, and the Golden Gate University School of Law in San Francisco.
Teaching Interests:
Constitutional Law, First Amendment, Criminal Procedure, Contracts, Torts, International Child Rights, and Legal Theory
Selected Talks
Political Theology Conference
After receiving several proposals citing my work, the organizers of this conference reached out to me some months ago and asked to join them at Villanova. I said yes.
Villanova University
September 7-10, 2023
Reflections on Spatial Justice After Apartheid: Nomos in the Postcolony,
Invited by Julia Chryssostalis and Jaco Barnard-Naudé, co-editors of Spacial Justice, to give the opening presentation on the opening panel of their book launch event.
Westminster Law School, London
June 26, 2023
Etiology & Temporality
I was invited to lecture on Frantz Fanon and Sandor Ferenczi as the final session of
a series of the Psychosocial Foundation’s seminar series on The Possibilities of Repair (zoom)
June 18, 2023
Abolition and the Inversion of Surveillance
I was invited to give a private seminar to graduate students at the School of Critical
Studies at the California Institute of the Arts (CalArts) as part of their series entitled
“Aesthetics Beyond Capital?” and a public lecture at the Institute of Contemporary Art –
Los Angeles (ICA -LA)
February 15, 2023
Bread & Roses
Plenary Address at the Working Environments, Unruly Natures: No Politics of Work
without Nature, No Politics of Nature without Work! The Eight Annual Conference of the
World Ecology Research Network (WERN) at Universität Bonn, Bonn, Germany
June 9, 2022
CRT and the Future
Workshop I: Bad Trouble: Critical Race Theory in Jeopardy, with Tanya K. Hernández and Veryl Pow,
15th Annual Meeting of Law School Diversity Professionals (AMDiP)
New York Law School
May 4-6, 2022
Critical Race Theory & the Already-Gone
Aalborg University, Denmark (I was invited to present in person but my schedule, alas, permitted only zoom)
1 April 2022
Critical Theory
Guest lecture for Research Methodology Seminar
National University of Ireland (zoom)
23 March 2022
Critical Race Theory
Inaugural Lecture for the Center for Civil Rights and Racial Justice
Pittsburgh School of Law
January 19, 2022
Comments on
“The Slaves are Not Called: The Impact of Anthony Farley in Thinking Black Life + Law”
A group of fascinating young scholars organized an ASA panel dedicated to my work and asked me to comment on their presentations. It was wonderful. Here is a copy of the call for papers:…
October 13, 2021
Critical Race Theory and the Crisis in Criminal Justice
Panel presentation with Ngozi Okidegbe, David Niven, and Richard Middleton (moderator)
Saint Louis University
October 7-8, 2021
Demystifying Critical Race Theory,
A panel w/ Dr. Winston Grady Willis, Professor Skidmore College; Dr. A. Tina Wagle, Professor
at the School for Graduate Studies at SUNY Empire State College; and Dr. Renata Williams, Dir.
of DEI at Mercersburg Academy, a collaboration of Saratoga Educational Equity Netwoork
(SEEN), MLK Saratoga, the Black Studies Program at Skidmore College, and SUNY Empire State
College Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. Presented on WAMC Northeast Public Radio.
October 5, 2021
Hamilton: An American Musical
A series of panels hosted by Lisa A. Tucker of Drexel and by the 92nd St. Y, New York City’s premier cultural and community organization,
February 3, 2021.
White Flight as Cancel Culture, an essay in honor of Prof. Benjamin Davis,
International, Comparative, Foreign, and Domestic: A Virtual Gathering of Friends [Festschrift in honor of Prof. Benjamin Davis of the University of Toledo]
January 22, 2021.
Legislative CLE Program on Critical Race Theory with Christian Sundquist
December 2, 2020.
Critical Race Theory as Civic Responsibility
Inaugural lecture of the Community Impact Series of the TCS Education System (The Chicago School of Professional Psychology, Pacific Oaks College & Children’s School, The Colleges of Law/ Santa Barbara & Ventura, Saybrook University, Kansas Health Science Center), hosted by Dean Jackie Gardina of the Colleges of Law
November 12, 2020.
Undead Americans,
York University Faculty Colloquium, Toronto, Canada
November 9, 2020.
Criminal Injustice, Policiing and Power, with co-panelists Stewart Chang of UNLV, Aya Gruber of Colorado, SpearIt of TMSL, and Saru Matambanadzo of Tulane,
LatCrit Fridays, a series on Policing, Pandemics, Praxis & Power
September 4, 2020.
Racial Justice Symposium on Civil Rights & Systemic Racism, w/ Ciji Dodds, Christian Sundquist, Gloria Browne-Marshall, Hon. Christina Ryba
Albany County Bar Association
July 23, 2020.
Necropolitics and Covid19,
The Color of Life in a Time of Crisis: Racial Disparities During Covid19, a virtual panel with Davarian Baldwin of Trinity College, Matthew Clair of Stanford, Neenah Estrella-Luna of Salem State, and Lingyan Yang of Indiana University. WNE College of Law
June 25, 2020.
Racism and Policing, with Ciji Dodds and Christian Sundquist, on Talking Alternative Broadcasting’s So Now You Know, with Antonia Thomas
June 25, 2020.
Afro-Pessimism w/ Frank Wilderson, co-hosted by Ed Riley, Jonathan Alston, and Chris Randall,
All Politics R Local, America’s #1 political hip-hop radio talk show
June 19, 2020.
The Sickness Unto Death: The American Psyche Since 2016,
Part one of a three-part virtual series on systemic racism in U.S. law and politics,
Rutgers Center for Security, Race, and Rights
June 17, 2020.
The Black ‘Progress Narrative’ is Self-Defeating,
The Black Agenda Report w/ Glen Ford
April 27, 2020.
Marxism & Race Consciousness, a three-hour presentation and discussion delivered as part of International Law, Racial Capitalism, and the Black Atlantic and hosted by Vasuki Nesiah at NYU’s Gallatin School.
February 7, 2020.
Commentator with Linda Bosniak on Gabriel ‘Jack’ Chin’s presentation, Birthright Citizenship and Slave Trade Legislation, as part of the Citizenship and Belonging lecture series at the Rutgers Center for Immigration Law, Policy, and Justice
January 30, 2020.
What Jurisprudence Should Become,
faculty colloquium,
Rutgers Law School – Newark,
January 29, 2020.
Say What? A Conversation About Freedom of Speech with Elise Puzio, UAlbany Associate Counsel, and Richard Hamm of the History Dept., hosted by the Office of Diversity & Inclusion, UAlbany, Campus Center Ballroom
November 13, 2018
A General Theory of Marxism and Law, or, History as Race Consciousness
Historiography / Ideology / Law II
Co-Sponsored by the Clough Center for the Study of Constitutional Democracy and the
Boston College Law School, Barat House
September 21-22, 2018
Child Rights
International Law and Racial Justice
University of Colorado Law School
August 3-4, 2018
Broken Windows Policing (with Kevin Jason, NYACLU; Mark Mishler Esq., Shontell Smith, Chief Counsel, NYS Senate Dem. Conf.; and Frank Wiley, Chief of Police, UAlbany) at Cracks in the U.S. Constitution: Broken Windows Policing and the Criminalization of Children, hosted by the Albany Government Law Review
March 8, 2018
Telling the Truth in a Post-Truth World:
A multi-event symposium of topics crucial to an open democracy
New York State Writers Institute and the University at Albany
October 12-14, 2017
Critical Race Theory as the Critique of Political Economy
The Politics of Difference and the Threshold of Law: A Conference in Law & the Humanities, presented by the Albany Law School and the Liberal Studies Program at the University at Albany
March 31-April 1, 2017
Sonia Sotomayor, U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice: Her Opinions/Your Life, a panel discussion with Laura Witten-Keller, Steve Gottlieb, James Acker, and Richard Hamm at University Hall, University at Albany
March 29, 2017
Racism and the Future,
The Inaugural James Campbell Matthews Black History Month Lecture, with Comments by Professors Donna Young and Christian Sundquist, Dean Alexander Moot Court Room.
February 26, 2017
The Death Penalty as Paradise, panel presentation at: The Death Penalties Numbered Days? A symposium organized by the Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology
Northwestern University School of Law in Chicago.
11 November 2016
Art & Activism Panel: with Karen Murtagh (Exec. Dir. Prisoners’ Legal Services of NY) and Barbara Nelson (Breathing Lights lead architect and Dir. of TAP Inc.), at Opalka Gallery after screening of “Herman’s House.”
27 October 2016
Historical Reflections on the Black Lives Matter Movement, presented as part of panel on the Intersection of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer Policy and the Black Lives Matter Movement, and hosted by the Queer Law Alliance, Black Law Students Association, the President’s Diversity Initiative, and the Dean of Students
Suffolk University.
29 March 2016
Opening Plenary Panel: Policing Black Lives & the Black Lives Matter Movement
Plenary Panel: Neoliberalism in the Academy
Closing Plenary Panel: Honoring Prof. Deborah Post of the Touro Law Center
Northeast People of Color Legal Scholarship Conference 2016:
Confronting the Violence of Our Times, hosted by the Touro Law Center & the Ronald H. Brown Center for Civil Rights at St. John’s University School of Law.
20-22 May 2016
Keynote Address: Against Justice
Invited by Department of Criminology, Law & Society at the
University of California – Irvine
14 March 2016
Guest Lecture: Race, Racism & American Law
Uppsala University, Sweden
December 2015
The Abolition of Corporal Punishment of Children
Panelist and Panel Organizer: Black Childhood & Freedom from Fear
Present and Future of Civil Rights Movements:
Race and Reform in 21st Century America
Duke University
20-21 November 2015
Constitution Day Keynote Address: Justice and Racism
Sienna College
28 September 2015
Child Rights: Public Lecture
Thurgood Marshall School of Law, Texas Southern University
20 April 2015
Keynote Address: Childhood & the African American Experience
Freedom from Fear: Black Childhood & Other Dangers II
Lewis & Clark Law School, Portland, Oregon
17 April 2015
An Informal Discussion on Child Rights
Civil Rights Law Society
Thurgood Marshall School, Texas Southern University
10 April 2015
A Vision for the Jefferson Chair in Trial Advocacy
Thurgood Marshall School of Law, Texas Southern University
8 April 2015
Thoughts on Prison,
U.S. Rep. Shirley Jackson Lee and Dir. Charles Samuels of the Federal Bureau of Prisons
Response panel with Prof. SpearIt and Prof. Anthony Houghton of the Earl Carl Institute
Thurgood Marshall School of Law, Texas Southern University
9 April 2015
Politics and Race
Cypress Tomball Democrats Organization, w/ Danny Norris, Cypress, Texas
17 February 2015
The Crisis: Criminal Justice 2015
Panel with Prof. Anthony Haughton (Earl Carl Institute) and Prof. SpearIt, Moderator
Thurgood Marshall School of Law, Texas Southern University
28 January 2015
Panel co-organizer: Tenure, Austerity & Academic Freedom
Association of American Law Schools Annual Meeting 2015
AALS Section on Minority Groups Panel, Washington, DC
January 2015
Welcoming Address & Closing Address
Freedom from Fear: On Black Childhood & Other Dangers
Lassiter Conference at the University of Kentucky College of Law
21 November 2014
The Production of Intellectual Insecurity
Presentation as part of panel on Tenure, Austerity, and Academic Freedom &
An Economic Theory of Race: Panel on Discourse of Racism & Inequality at Class Crits VII: Poverty, Precarity, & Work: Struggle & Solidarity in an Era of Permanent (?) Crisis
UC Davis School of Law
14-15 November 2014
Human Trafficking, The Modern Day Slave Trade: Panel
Sponsored by the Tau Omega Chapterof Alpha Kappa Alpha and
Harlem Commonwealth Council, 361 W. 125th Street, NY, NY
8 May 2014
Wave of Mutilation: The Prison as the Middle Passage
Presentation as part of panel entitled "Sentencing by Speculation," at
The Scope of Slavery: Enduring Geographies of American Bondage
A two-day symposium supported by the Andrew Mellon Foundation, as well as the Charles Warren Center for Studies in American History, the History Design Studio, and the Hutchins Center for African and African American Research at Harvard University.…
Harvard University
7-8 November 2014
Slavery in Effect…
filmed at Harvard University
7-8 November 2014
On Human Trafficking: Combating Slavery in the 21st Century (UN Academic Impact)
Spoke at United Nations on panel addressing problems of modern sex trafficking
United Nations, New York, New York
9 April 2014
Shifting the Lens: US Settler Colonialism & Why Race Still Matters, w/ Natsu Taylor Saito
Re Envisiioning Race in a Post-Racial Era: New Approaches to Critical Race Theory
Yale Law School
5 April 2014
Human Rights Conversation on Racial Profiling w/ U.S. Congressman John Conyers (D-Mich), Ranking Member of House Judiciary Comm., Josephine Ross, Jasbir Bawa &
Kami Simmons at Howard University School of Law
3 April 2014
Nineteen Sixty-Four
Association of American Law Schools Annual Meeting 2014
"The 50th Anniversary of the Voting Rights Act of 1964:
Examining its Past and Contemporary Effects"
AALS Section on Civil Rights and Employment Discrimination and the
AALS Section on Minority Groups (joint Panel) New York City
January 2014
The Unreality of Time
Campus-wide event, Osgoode Hall, York Uniiversity, Toronto, Canada
22 November 2013
I was invited to join Walter Mondale, former Vice President of the United States of America, and others to speak on the legacy of Gideon v. Wainwright: "Civil Rights & Civil Justice: 50 Years Later," a symposium in honor of Walter F. Mondale at the
University of Minnesota Law School
18 October 2013
Epistemology and the Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress
Florida International University College of Law, Miami, Florida
1 October 2013
Critical Race Theory Now
Florida A&M University College of Law, Orlando, Florida
2 October 2013
The Color of Childhood: A Roundtable Conversation
LatCrit Biennial: "Resistance Rising: Theorizing & Building Cross-Sector Movements"
Chicago, Illinois
4-6 October 2013
The Beloved Community Begins at Home: Keynote
Martin Luther King Human Rights Speaker at Salt Lake Community College, Salt Lake City, UT
22 January 2012
Prison Abolition
Boston College Graduate Department of Sociology
24 January 2012.
Authenticity and the Politics of Hip-Hop
Constitutional Law and Hip-Hop
Drexel University's Earle Mack School of Law
9 March 2012
Comments on Address by Ben Jealous, NAACP President,
On Trayvon Martin and Racial Profiling
Albany Law School
11 April 2012
"Planes of blatant impossibility"
Law, Order and 3rd World Possibilities in Lord of the Flies
Law & Literature Conference on Lord of the Flies
Howard Law School, Washington, DC
27 April 2012
Critical Race Theory Workshop
Organized Critical Race Theory Workshop on Derrick Bell's Constitutional Law Scholarship
Albany Law School
27 September 2012
The Spaceship & the Cross
Symposium: the Arc of Justice: The Life and Thought of Derrick Bell
Part of the Rainbow Signs double panel that I organized
Western New England University School of Law
28 September 2012
Rainbow Signs: Jurisprudence as Eschatology
Faculty Colloquium Albany Law School
10 October 2012
Children's Literature & the Law
Continuing Legal Education: Literature and the Law
Hampton Inn & Suites, Saratoga Springs, NY
19 October 2012
Cultural Intelligence
I was invited to lecture on the subject of "Culture" at a meeting of the
Boston College Alumni Association
Boston College Law School.
Northeast People of Color Legal Scholarship Conference (NEPOC)
Suffolk University School of Law
25-27 October 2012
Hip Hop and the Critique of Political Economy
Hip Hop and the American Constitution Lecture Series at
Drexel Univerity's Earl Mack School of Law
9 March 2012
40 Years after the Attica Uprising: “Looking Back, Looking Forward.”
Baldy Center for Law and Public Policy, University of Buffalo Law School
11-12 September 2011
Exploring the American Family: Conference of Asian Pacific American Law Faculty (CAPALF) and Northeast People of Color Conference (NEPOC).
Hoftstra University Law School
3-5 November 2011
Keith Aoki’s Contributions to the Legal Academy
Exploring the American Family: Conference of Asian Pacific American Law Faculty and Northeast People of Color Conference, Hoftstra Law School
3-5 November 2011
BA to Opening Doors, Making Diversity Matter in Law School Admissions
JD Pipeline Program Symposium
Hosted by Society of American Law Teachers and the St. John's School of Law
11 November 2011
Keynote Address
Invited to be the Martin Luther King Human Rights Speaker at Salt Lake City Community College
19 January 2010
Philosophical Café & Union College Department of Philosophy
1 March 2010
Keynote Address
Northeast Black Law Students' Association Regional Convention, Syracuse, NY
30 September 2010
The Abolition of Punishment: Keynote Address
The Day in Humanities, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
University of Connecticut
9 April 2010
Critical Race Theory & Political Economy
Post-Racialism, Post-Marxism, and Other Fables of the Dispossession:
A 3-Panel stream I organized for the National People of Color Scholarship Conference at Seton Hall University School of Law
9-12 September 2010
How to Become a Law Professor/Pipeline Program
Third National People of Color Legal Scholarship Conference
Seton Hall University School of Law
9-12 September 2010
Gangsta: Sarah Palin and Class Politics
The Evolution of Street Knowledge (with Cornel West)
Hip Hop's Influence on Law and Culture, West Virginia University College of Law
12-13 February 2009
Abolition: Faculty Colloquium
Pace Law School, White Plains, NY
9 March 2009
The Johnson-Forest Tendency:
Concluding Plenary of the Critical Legal Conference,
with Costas Douzinas, Patricia Tuitt, Angus Macdonald, Adam Gearey
University of Leicester, United Kingdom
13 September 2009
The Jurisprudence of the Johnson-Forest Tendency
Presentation at International Conference on the work of C.L.R James
University of Ottawa, Canada
16-17 October 2009
Opening Address
Northeast People of Color Legal Scholarship Conference (NEPOC)
America's New Class Warfare? Baldy Center for Law & Social Policy, University of Buffalo
23-24 October 2009
Keynote Address: Conferring with the Flowers:
Taking Oz Seriously: An International Law & Literature Conference on the Work of L. Frank Baum that I organized and hosted at Albany Law School
13 November 2009
Abolition: A Call for an Absolute End to the Prison,
Invited to speak on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the publication of my article, "Thirteen Stories," in the Touro Law Review at the Touro Law Center
19 November 2009
“Where Do We Go From Here: Chaos or Community?”
Office of Minority Student Affairs and Technology Entry Program
With activist Barbara Smith at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.
24 January 2008
Seasons in the Sun: Reflections on Race in 2008
Keynote Address at the 10th Annual Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Reflection and Commemoration at DePaul University College of Law.
21 January 2008
Racism & the Law
Robert M. Cover Retreat, Boston University Sargent Center for Outdoor Education
Peterborough, New Hampshire
29 February - 2 March 2008
The Nineteenth Century Tort of Outrage
Association of American Law schools Annual Meeting 2008
Section on Torts and Compensation Systems
Panel on Frontier Issues on Race and Torts, NYC.
5 January 2008
Black Law Student Association and Students for Reproductive Justice Presidential Panel
Albany Law School.
11 March 2008
Civil Rights Generation: Panel Presentation
Justice Robert H. Jackson Lecture: Society, Security, and Civil Rights:
Examining Sanctioned Discrimination Across Three Generations
Albany Law School.
4 April 2008
Space/Time and Between Equal Rights
Imagining Justice & Injustice:
11th Annual Conference of the Association for the Study of Law, Culture and Humanities
Panel on “Justice and the Geographical Imagination” & Panel on “Law’s Body”
Boalt Hall, UC Berkeley.
28-29 March 2008
A Rehearing of Brown v. Board of Education
Forum on Race and Education: New York State Bar Association, Albany Law School Government Law Center, New York State United Teachers, Capital District Black & Hispanic Bar Association, New York State Bar Association in Albany New York.
6 May 2008
Northeast People of Color Legal Scholarship Conference
Just Juniors (advising session) Boston University School of Law
12-14 September 2008
Black Flag
American Political Science Association Annual Meeting 2008
Panel on Fugitive Metaphors, Fugitive Theory," Boston, MA
28-31 August 2008
Keynote: Defining Race Symposium
I organized this symposium with the Albany Law Review and the Albany Law Journal of Science and Technology and its publication.
14 November 2008
10th Annual Conference of the Association for the Study of Law Culture and Humanities,
Panel on Lying, Deception and the Problem of Pretext
23-24 March 2007
Fanon Today
Panel on Resistance and Legitimation
The Third World and International Law Conference (TWAIL)
Albany Law School
20-21 April 2007
Jena 6: Race and the Criminal (In)justice System
Stein Scholar Symposium at Fordham University Law School.
24 October 2007
Station to Station
Association of American Law Schools Annual Meeting 2007
Section on Minority Groups Panel on Katrina and Race: The Multiple Dimensions
Washington, DC
2-6 January 2007
Third Annual Jerome M. Culp Memorial Keynote Address: Final International:
Twelfth Annual LatCrit Conference: Critical Localities, Epistemic Communities,
Rooted Cosmopolitans, New Hegemonies, & Knowledge Processes
Florida International University, College of Law.
4-6 October 2007
Cartesian Meditations on the Philosophy of Johnnie Cochran
Johnnie Cochran Symposium
Texas Southern University's Thurgood Marshall School of Law
2 November 2007
Keynote Speaker: St. John's University
8th Annual Ronald H. Brown Dinner and the Inaugural Alumni of Color Reunion Weekend
11-12 February 2006
The Station: Hurricane Katrina
Endowed Public Lecture Grinnell College (attended by entire university)
Panelist (with Pierre Schlag of Colorado, Zanita Fenton of Miami, and Marinos Diamantides of Birkbeck Law School / UK) on Constitutional Law: Teaching from the Left
Harvard Law School.
11-12 March 2006.
Keynote Speaker at the 7th Annual Ronald H. Brown Dinner at St. John’s University.
15 April 2005.
The Commodity Theory of Law
Faculty colloquium at the University of Colorado at Boulder in 2005.
On the Commodity Theory of Law
The Haywood Burns Lecture at CUNY Law School, where I was the Haywood Burns Chair in Civil Rights for 2006-2007.
Panelist: Going Back to Class?: The Reemergence of Class in Critical Race Theory,” hosted by Michigan Journal of Race & Law at the University of Michigan Law School.
4-5 February 2005.
Keynote Speaker at the Conference on Race and Violence and the Colour Line at Fourth Annual Canadian Critical Race Theory Conference,
Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.
1-2 April 2005.
The Civil Rights Movement Did Not Take Place
Invited to present my research at Loyola University Chicago School of Law to speak at a Conference entitled “Race in Educational Policy: A Constitutional Examination” on
12-13 March 2004.
Perfecting Slavery
Invited to give the joint Opening Plenary Address for the Annual Critical Legal Conference at the University of Westminster in London (with Michele Goodwin)
3 September 2004
The Commodity Theory of Law
Invited to present my research as part of a panel on “Law, Economics, Race, and Progressive Scholarship” at the University of Chicago
13 May 2004.
Redress: Fellows of the Humanities Research Institute
University of California in Irvine,
May of 2003.
The Dream of Interpretation
I was invited to participate on the opening panel (the public panel of the conference) with Pierre Schlag, Joanne Conaghan, and Peter Goodrich of a three-day conference on Pierre Schlag’s critique of normativity at the University of Miami School of Law 2002.
Architecture & the Social Unconscious
First Annual Paul Robeson Conference at Columbia University School of Law in NYC
12 April 2002
Invited to give the 10th Anniversary Lecture at Birkbeck College, University of London.
9 May 2003.
Dreams of Reason in Modern Jurisprudence
Invited to present this paper to the law faculty of Gothenburg University
Gothenburg, Sweden
15 May 2002
Psychoanalysis & Constitutional Law: Brown v. Board of Education Today
The Helzel Family Foundation Lecture Golden Gate University School of Law in San Francisco.
9 April 2001
Invited to join the faculty of the Lacanian School of Psychoanalysis / San Francisco Society for Lacanian Studies to give a special one-day seminar
18 November 2001.
Comments on Land Claims in Relation to Other Kinds of Social Justice Claims
European Law Research Center Conference on “Land Regimes and Domination.”
Harvard Law School
3-4 March 2001
Subalternation & Autobiography: Assata Shakur (aka Joanne Chesimard)
Invited to Sweden to present a paper to the law faculty of Gothenburg University.
30 May 2000
Specters of Fanon:
The State of the Debt, the Work of Mourning, and the New International
“International Law in Ferment: A New Vision for Theory and Practice?”
American Society of International Law (ASIL) 94th Annual Meeting in Washington, DC.
5-8 April 2000
Lacan & Voting Rights
I was invited to present a paper on psychoanalysis and law at “Cultural Studies and the Law: Beyond Legal Realism in Interdisciplinary Legal Scholarship?”
Yale Law School
15 April 2000.
The Critical Legal Studies Movement Did Not Take Place
I was invited to present a paper for a special symposium on Duncan Kennedy’s A Critique of Adjudication at the University of Miami School of Law
25-26 February 2000
Nineteen Sixty-Three
African American Heritage Series 2000 Keynote Speaker at
Vermont Law School’s Chase Community Center on
24 February 2000
Remarks on Constitutional Law
“Knowledge Production in the Legal Academy” panel of Constitutional Lawyering in the 21st Century: Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review at Thirty-Five”
Harvard Law School
3-4 March 2000
The Whiteness of the Whale: Legal Theory Workshop Series Speaker –
Two Lectures, Faculty of Law, University of Toronto,
20-21 January 2000
In the News
James Campbell Matthews Distinguished Professor of Jurisprudence Anthony Farley was featured in the story, “Hamilton, Hip-Hop, and the Law,” on May 6, 2021.
Professor Anthony Paul Farley was featured in the Inside Higher Ed news article, "Black Workers and the University," on Oct. 27, 2020.
James Campbell Matthews Dist. Professor of Jurisprudence Anthony Farley was quoted in the Inside Higher Ed story, "Black Workers and the University," on October 27, 2020.
James Campbell Matthews Dist. Professor of Jurisprudence Anthony Farley was featured on the Kaleidoscope with Savithri Rodrigo, a weekly Sri Lankan news program, in the story, "The Black Lives Matter Movement in a Global Context," on Augst 7, 2020.
James Campbell Matthews Dist. Professor of Jurisprudence Anthony Farley and Daria Roithmayr, Gregg Gosalves, Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, and Eduardo Bonilla-Silva, co-authored, “Universities Should Stay Closed to Protect Workers of Color” in Bloomberg Law on June 25, 2020.
Professor Anthony Paul Farley was a co-author of the Bloomberg Law article, "INSIGHT: Universities Should Stay Closed to Protect Workers of Color," published on June 25, 2020.
James Campbell Matthews Dist. Professor of Jurisprudence Anthony Farley was featured in, "IMHO: Think Twice with Jim Braude," on PBS on May 23, 2018.
Professor Anthony Paul Farley co-authored the op-ed "There’s no cost to white people who call 911 about black people. There should be," which was published by the Washington Post on May 16, 2018.
Anthony Paul Farley & Stacey Patton co-authored, “There’s no cost to white people who call 911 about black people. There should be” in the Washington Post on May 16, 2018.
Selected Achievements
Professor Anthony Paul Farley was elected to the Society of American Law Teachers (SALT) Board of Governors at the Association of American Law Schools Annual Meeting in January 2019.
Professor Anthony Paul Farley, James Campbell Matthews Distinguished Professor of Jurisprudence, was elected as a member of the American Law Institute in January 2017.
Professor Anthony Paul Farley's work inspired "Destruction," a theater production by M. Lamar.
Professor Farley has been named to Lawyers of Color's 50 Under 50 list, a comprehensive catalog of minority law professors making an impact in legal education.