Campus Closing Dates

The Albany Law School campus is closed December 23rd - January 1st for the Holidays



Celebrating Impact

AN ON-CAMPUS CELEBRATION to honor the tremendous career of Albany Law School’s President and Dean Emeritus Alicia Ouellette ’94 was filled with memories, laughs, and a few fun surprises. Many faculty members, students, and Ouellette’s family spoke sharing memories of her leadership and her influence as an academic and friend. Ouellette concluded her time as President and Dean on June 30 and she plans to return as a faculty member after some time off.       

Professor Patricia Reyhan shares photos from the Class of 1994 yearbook with the audience.
Professor Patricia Reyhan shares photos from the Class of 1994 yearbook with the audience.

Celebrating IMPACT: Thank you to President and Dean Alicia Ouellette '94 - May 2023